Find Joy in Movement: A Trainer’s Perspective on Making Exercise a Pleasure, Not a Chore

Exercise is often seen as a chore, something we have to do to stay healthy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Unfortunately, many people are intimidated by the intense and fast-paced workouts that are often prescribed to us. Whether it’s a fitness class or running a certain distance at a certain speed, these goals can be hard to reach, and most importantly, not enjoyable.

But what if we reframe our thinking and focus on exercise as a source of pleasure? Instead of pushing ourselves to our limits, we should start slowly, at a pace and intensity that feels good to us. This way, we can find joy in the process, and as a result, we’ll be more motivated to repeat and make it a habit.

When we focus on the pleasure of exercise, it can build on itself and motivate us to do more. We can start with a short walk around the block, and gradually increase the distance as we feel more comfortable. Or we can try different types of exercises, like outdoor fitness classes, yoga or swimming, and find which one we enjoy the most. The key is to listen to our bodies and find what feels good to us.

As a trainer, I often see people signing up for exercise programs with the sole goal of losing weight. While weight loss can be a positive side effect of regular exercise, it should not be the primary focus. Instead, I encourage my clients to focus on how exercise makes them feel good throughout the day, the effects it has on their overall well-being, and the progress they make in terms of strength and fitness. By focusing on these small achievements, they can see the real progress they are making and feel good about themselves.

Exercise should not be seen as a punishment or a burden, but rather an opportunity to take care of ourselves and our well-being. By focusing on the pleasure of exercise, we can make it a part of our daily routine, and enjoy the benefits it brings to our physical and mental health. So, let’s stop thinking of exercise as a chore, and start thinking of it as a pleasure.